Iran reveals terms of its withdrawals from Syria

Iran reveals terms of its withdrawals from Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said Saturday that Iran might decrease its military presence in Syria and even leave altogether after the situation in Syria normalizes and the...
Iraq hunts down IS militants

Iraq hunts down IS militants

(VOVWORLD) -Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Thursday ordered operations to hunt down Islamic State militants in central Iraq after recent attacks and abductions carried out by the terrorist group
Iran threatens to resume nuclear program

Iran threatens to resume nuclear program

(VOVWORLD) - Iran will resume enriching uranium at its Fordow nuclear site if the nuclear deal it signed with world powers collapses, said Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesperson of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran...
Iran rules out talks as US continues threats

Iran rules out talks as US continues threats

(VOVWORLD) - There is no prospect for dialogue between Iran and the United States in any area before Washington uses the language of dignity instead of threats and sanctions, said Iranian...
Iraq plans on reconstruction

Iraq plans on reconstruction

(VOVWORLD) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Thursday announced negotiation plans with businesses in March to attract investment for recontruction
Iraq celebrates victory over ISIS

Iraq celebrates victory over ISIS

(VOVWORLD) -An Iraqi military parade celebrating the final victory over the Islamic State was held in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone on Sunday
Syrian government returns to Geneva talks

Syrian government returns to Geneva talks

(VOVWORLD) - The Syrian government delegation returned to Geneva on Sunday to resume UN-brokered talks on Syrian peace. Bashar al-Ja‘afari, Syria’s ambassador to the UN and chief negotiator...
Iraq says war against ISIS is over

Iraq says war against ISIS is over

(VOVWORLD) - Iraq said Saturday that its war on the ISIS is over after more than three years of combat operations drove the extremists from all of the territory they once...
Iraqi forces open new front to expel ISIS

Iraqi forces open new front to expel ISIS

(VOVWORLD) - Iraqi forces on Saturday launched a sweep from the Euphrates Valley through the western desert to completely flush the Islamic State out of Iraq’s territory