Global progress in AI management

Global progress in AI management

(VOVWORLD) - Global efforts to build legal frameworks to oversee and manage the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology have made progress with the EU’s final approval of...
Vietnam’s e-commerce thrives on Amazon

Vietnam’s e-commerce thrives on Amazon

(VOVWORLD) -The number of Vietnamese businesses recording sales of 1 million USD annually on Amazon is now 10 times higher compared to five years previously, according to a conference on cross-border...
Export rises 16% by mid-April

Export rises 16% by mid-April

(VOVWORLD) - By mid-April, Vietnam's total import-export turnover was estimated at 209 billion USD. Export exceeded 100 billion USD, an increase of 16.34% compared to the same...
France works to regain influence in South America

France works to regain influence in South America

(VOVWORLD) - French President Emmanuel Macron visited South America from Monday to Thursday, the highlight being a visit to Brazil. The trip was an opportunity to restart strategic cooperation with Brazil,...
Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The Peruvian Ambassador to Vietnam says that every Peruvian person can cook well and cuisine is a source of their national pride, not just for its incomparable flavors and aromas, but because...
PM urges Amazon to expand operations in Vietnam

PM urges Amazon to expand operations in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged online retail giant Amazon to expand its operations in Vietnam while receiving Susan Pointer, Amazon's Vice President of International Public Policy & Government Affairs...