US tries to save Middle East peace talks

US tries to save Middle East peace talks

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday unexpectedly postponed his Italy visit to fly to the Middle East, in a bid to salvage foundering peace talks between Israel...
Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

(VOVworld) – Thousands of people blocked a NATO supply route in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in northwest Pakistan on Saturday to protest unmanned US air strikes. This is the main supply...
Syria not to go to Geneva to hand over power

Syria not to go to Geneva to hand over power

(VOVworld) - Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zohbi has said the country’s regime will not attend the second international peace conference on Syria if the aim is for President Bashar...
Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

(VOVworld)- The political crisis in Egypt escalated on Wednesday. August 14th was the bloodiest day in Egypt so far with 525 deaths deaths and thousands of people injured
Israel, Palestine step up negotiations

Israel, Palestine step up negotiations

(VOVworld) – Israeli and Palestinian leaders who wish to restart the dormant peace process will soon achieve a boost due to efforts by US Secretary of State John Kerry. Israeli Prime...
US boosts peace in the Middle East

US boosts peace in the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry is on his fifth trip to the Middle East in an effort to resume peace talks that have been stalled since 2010. After arriving...

Russia calls for an international Syria summit

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov, on Monday, ahead of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s visit to Moscow, called for an emergency international summit on Syria and protested...
Syria denies alleged use of chemical weapons

Syria denies alleged use of chemical weapons

(VOVworld) – Syria’s Minister of Information Omran al-Zohbi says the US and UK’s accusations that Damascus may have used chemical weapons are “inconsistent with reality and a barefaced...