Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

(VOVworld) – Thousands of people blocked a NATO supply route in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in northwest Pakistan on Saturday to protest unmanned US air strikes.
Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route - ảnh 1
US drone protestors in Pakistan block NATO supply route. Photo: AP
This is the main supply route for NATO soldiers currently based in Afghanistan, leading to Torkham, one of the 2 border gates used to transfer aids from Pakistan to Afghanistan. The protest was led by Imran Khan, the leader of the PIT or Justice Movement Party in Pakistan, who said the protests would only stop once Washington ends their air strikes. Meanwhile, the spokesperson for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Shah Farman, said protests may take place outside the US Embassy and UN Mission headquarters in the capital Islamabad in the coming days.


