Russia, West try to ease tensions over Ukraine

Russia, West try to ease tensions over Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine show no sign of easing. Accusations of an imminent invasion, warnings of retaliation, and military deployments on both sides have inflamed...
Business regulations simplified

Business regulations simplified

(VOVWORLD) - In recent years, the government and the Prime Minister have paid special attention to reforming mechanisms and building an e-government to deliver better service to the public and...
Israel signs accords with UAE, Bahrain

Israel signs accords with UAE, Bahrain

(VOVWORLD) - Israel formally signed historic deals Tuesday to normalize diplomatic ties with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain at a White House ceremony presided over by US President Donald...
From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

(VOVWORLD) - As COVID-19 keeps on devastating all countries around the globe, its impact can be felt in all economic sectors including education. Peter Mason, CEO of Cufa, an independent, secular, not-for-profit...
Libya’s politics at an impasse

Libya’s politics at an impasse

(VOVWORLD) - Violence in Libya has been growing. Since its leader Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown 9 years ago, Libya has been engulfed in conflict between factions backed by outside forces. A peaceful...