Spring Press Review

Spring Press Review

(VOVworld) –Vietnamese newspapers’ colorful New Year edition covers the jubilant celebrations throughout Vietnam and overseas, leaders’ New Year messages, national traditions, and Vietnam’s socio-economic performance
Possible impacts on climate change response

Possible impacts on climate change response

(VOVworld) – 2016 saw a number various international activities addressing climate change. The global fight against climate change is expected to continue to evolve in 2017
PM and four Ministers to join NA question time

PM and four Ministers to join NA question time

(VOVworld)-Inefficient projects, control over wastefulness in public investment and the appointment of officials will top the agenda of the National Assembly’s Q&A session starting on Tuesday
UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

(VOVworld) - The United Nation Special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, on Tuesday urged related parties to conclude a written political roadmap for resolving the conflict in Yemen
US, Cuba continue to normalize relations

US, Cuba continue to normalize relations

(VOVworld) – President Barack Obama on September 27 nominated Jeffrey DeLaurentis, top official at the US Embassy in Havana since relations were restored in late 2014, to be the first US ambassador...
NA approves nomination of government officials

NA approves nomination of government officials

(VOVworld) – In Thursday’s plenary session, National Assembly deputies listened to a report of group discussions on the appointment of deputy prime ministers, ministers, and other cabinet members. Prime Minister...
Nepal Prime Minister resigns

Nepal Prime Minister resigns

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, Nepal’s Prime Minister Sharma Oli resigned from the post he held for nine months, shortly before a no-confidence vote against him by the Lower House
The UK is to have a new Prime Minister

The UK is to have a new Prime Minister

(VOVworld)- David Cameron will leave Downing Street for the final time as PM later, with Theresa May waiting to replace him. Mr Cameron will face his last Prime Minister's Questions...