Arab League shares stance on Gaza

Arab League shares stance on Gaza

(VOVWORLD) -Foreign Ministers of Arab countries on Tuesday agreed on the agenda and the draft joint statement of the Arab League Summit scheduled to take place in Bahrain on Thursday
Trend of peace, conciliation in Middle East

Trend of peace, conciliation in Middle East

(VOVWORLD) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad paid an historic visit to the United Arab Emirates last Friday. It was the first official visit by a Syrian President to an Arab country...
Tensions escalate in Gaza

Tensions escalate in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - The Arab League (AL) on Tuesday denounced the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and blamed Israel for the consequences of its "aggression
Egypt, UN support peace efforts in Libya

Egypt, UN support peace efforts in Libya

(VOVworld) – Egypt’s Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazy and UN special representative in Libya Martin Kobler met to discuss a path to peace, Egypt’s army said in a statement...
AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

(VOVworld) - The Arab League accused Turkey Thursday of violating international law and Iraq's sovereignty with a military deployment earlier this month that has provoked tensions between Baghdad and Ankara
AL leaders discuss migration

AL leaders discuss migration

(VOVworld) – Foreign Ministers of the Arab League gathered in Cairo on Sunday to discuss regional issues including the current crisis of Syrian migrants to Europe