Serbia: 17 killed in two mass shootings

Serbia: 17 killed in two mass shootings

(VOVWORLD) - Serbia is currently going through challenging times as two mass shootings resulted in the deaths of 17 individuals and left several others injured
US plans to give arms aid to Taiwan (China)

US plans to give arms aid to Taiwan (China)

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden's administration plans to send 500 million USD worth of weapons aid to Taiwan (China) using the same emergency authority that has been used more than...
EU Summit seeks solutions for intra-bloc challenges

EU Summit seeks solutions for intra-bloc challenges

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union’s 2nd summit this year, which concluded Friday in Brussels, discussed the bloc’s most prominent issues, including support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, increasing the...
Mong people protect forest in Yen Bai

Mong people protect forest in Yen Bai

(VOVWORLD) -Na Hau commune is located in the core area of the Na Hau Nature Reserve in Van Yen district, Yen Bai province. This is a long-standing habitat of the Mong...