Social network for tourism debuts

Social network for tourism debuts

(VOVWORLD) - Astra Network, the world's first social networking platform based blockchain for tourism, debuted at a ceremony on Saturday in Hanoi
Surprised turn in US-Taliban talks

Surprised turn in US-Taliban talks

(VOVWORLD) - US President Trump proclaimed talks with Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders dead on Monday, one day after canceling peace talks planned for Camp David with Taliban leaders and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani...
National civil aviation security assured

National civil aviation security assured

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh on Thursday held an online conference to review the operation of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee in the first half of the...
Clean up boat tours in Hoi An

Clean up boat tours in Hoi An

(VOVWORLD) - In recent years, many tourists to Hoi An have participated in clean up boat tours that raise awareness, for locals and visitors, about environmental protection
Vietnam becomes 15th most populous nation

Vietnam becomes 15th most populous nation

(VOVWORLD) - Home to more than 96 million people, Vietnam has become the world’s 15th most populous nation and the third-most in Southeast Asia, the Central Population and Housing...
VOV Traffic channel marks 10th  anniversary

VOV Traffic channel marks 10th anniversary

(VOVWORLD) - Since its first broadcast a decade ago, VOV traffic channel has proved to be a reliable and useful friend of road users and radio listeners. The channel not only...
Health ministry works to increase immunisation coverage

Health ministry works to increase immunisation coverage

(VOVWORLD) - Immunisation is one of the most important measures to protect the community against life-threatening and widespread contagious diseases, Deputy Minister of Health Truong Quoc Cuong said at Friday’s meeting...
Beef recipes for workouts

Beef recipes for workouts

(VOVWORLD) - Beef is the best nutrition source for gymers. It is high in vitamin B6, B12, and iron which is good for building muscle. Beef has rich nutritional value in addition to being...