Festival of folk games for children

Festival of folk games for children

(VOVWORLD) -Lionbooks Children's Bookstore organized a Tet program in Hanoi to bring children and their families to an attractive playground of 20 folk games and activities
Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

(VOVWORLD) -A postage stamp collection on the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords) was released on January 27th, coinciding the date on...
Traditional arts promoted in contemporary life

Traditional arts promoted in contemporary life

(VOVWORLD) - A variety of Vietnamese traditional art forms such as Tuong (Classical drama), Cheo (traditional opera), water puppetry, ca tru (ceremonial singing), have been held on stage or village festivals and in...
Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

(VOVWORLD) - To preserve and promote traditional arts, aside from training the next generation of young artists, it is equally important to have a new generation of audience members. Art troupes...
Wednesday December 7, 2022

Wednesday December 7, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - This week, VOVWorld received more than 300 letters and emails from listeners in 34 countries and territories


(VOVWORLD) - - Bats use the same trick as death metal growlers and throat singers - Two New Bilingual Classic Novels for Children Recently Released in Vietnam - Life really does get better with age: Study finds older adults experience less daily stress ...