PM meets Vietnamese expats in NZ

PM meets Vietnamese expats in NZ

(VOVWORLD) - Bilateral ties between Vietnam and New Zealand are growing strongly, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc while meeting with Vietnamese representatives in New Zealand at the Auckland University of Technology ...
TPP generates opportunities and challenges

TPP generates opportunities and challenges

(VOVworld) – The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) was signed in Auckland, New Zealand, on February 4th after 20 rounds of negotiations. The TPP will generate momentum for national development but...
Vietnam, New Zealand enhance investment cooperation

Vietnam, New Zealand enhance investment cooperation

(VOVworld) - Leading enterprises from Vietnam and New Zealand have gathered for a trade and industry forum in New Zealand to learn firsthand about new business and investment opportunities afforded by the Trans...
TPP signing-an important milestone: trade ministers

TPP signing-an important milestone: trade ministers

(VOVworld) - Trade and economic ministers of the 12 member countries of the freshly-sealed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have affirmed that the signing of the deal signals an important milestone and the...