Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

(VOVworld)- The political crisis in Egypt escalated on Wednesday. August 14th was the bloodiest day in Egypt so far with 525 deaths deaths and thousands of people injured
Diplomacy failed to end Egypt crisis

Diplomacy failed to end Egypt crisis

(VOVworld)- Egypt’s presidency said on Wednesday that diplomatic efforts to end the country’s political turmoil had failed and warned that the Muslim Brotherhood of ousted President Mohamed Mursi would...
Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

(VOVworld) – The political crisis in Egypt has worsened over the last few days as a consequence of deepening factional conflicts. The situation threatens Egypt’s future and the stability in...
Egypt sets up Constitution Revising Committee

Egypt sets up Constitution Revising Committee

(VOVworld)- Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour has signed a decree on the establishment of a Committee for Revising the 2012 Constitution, which was suspended this month by the military
Egypt announces interim Constitution

Egypt announces interim Constitution

Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour has approved an interim Constitution as a roadmap for the transition that will occur on the next 6 months
Military mutiny in Madagascar

Military mutiny in Madagascar

Madagascar’s Defense Minister Andre Lucien Rakotoarimasy says a mutiny was staged on Sunday at a military camp near Ivato international airport, forcing the suspension of all flights. After an hours-long gun battle, the...
June 20th, 2012

June 20th, 2012

Starting this week’s Letter Box on Radio the Voice of Vietnam, we welcome Marcos Cox Aguilera from Vicuna, Chile. Marcos who tuned into the English program for the first...
Mid-term CG meeting of donors opens in Quang Tri

Mid-term CG meeting of donors opens in Quang Tri

(VOVworld)- The mid-term Meeting of the Consultative Group for Vietnam opened in Dong Ha city in the central province of Quang Tri on Tuesday. The forum was an opportunity for the Vietnamese...
Bomb blasts in southern Thailand

Bomb blasts in southern Thailand

Three car bombs exploded in a downtown area of Yala city in southern Thailand's Yala Province on Saturday, killing at least 11 people and injuring 110 others
An outdated embargo

An outdated embargo

(VOVworld) February 7th marks 50 years of the US embargo policy against Cuba. After 9 US Presidents’ terms of office, the embargo appears increasingly absurd and outdated, representing the...