US Special Forces kill senior IS leader

US Special Forces kill senior IS leader

(VOVworld) - First US operation of its kind in Syria kills Abu Sayyaf, captures his wife and frees a young Yazidi woman who appears to have been held as a slave...
Wednesday April 1, 2015

Wednesday April 1, 2015

B: Tug-of-war is a folk game that appeared in Vietnam long ago and is often organized during spring festivals to pray for favorable weather, a good crop, happiness and...
Typical musical instruments of the Bana

Typical musical instruments of the Bana

(VOVworld) – Living close to nature, the Bana have made many musical instruments from available materials like stone, wood, bamboo, rattan, leaves, and dried gourds. The hand-made musical instruments have...
Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

(VOVworld) – The Muong have maintained their traditional construction techniques in building stilt houses - choosing an orientation, building, and decorating the house
Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Well, not only in Hue, anywhere in Vietnam, you will have a chance to experience “diều sáo”- kite flying with flute singing. Kite flying is popular throughout the year, but especially in summer. Vietnamese people of...
A1 Hill and the former vital battle

A1 Hill and the former vital battle

(VOVworld) - A1 Hill is the most famous battle of Dien Bien Phu site. The hill is 32 meters high, 82 thousand square meters large and 500 meters west of the headquarters...
Jho gong, a musical instrument of Ede women

Jho gong, a musical instrument of Ede women

(VOVworld) – When the seasonal winds blow and peach and apricot trees bloom in the forests, the central highlanders welcome a season of festival, which lasts from the end of last year to the New Year. The...