UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo truce

UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo truce

(VOVworld) - UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura arrived in Damascus on Saturday for talks with the Syrian officials about a deal to freeze fighting in the northwestern city...
We broadcast from our neighbor’s land

We broadcast from our neighbor’s land

(VOVworld) - One winter morning of 1972 when I parked my bike and entered the lobby, Mrs. N stuck her head out of her office door and said: “Go upstairs quickly,...
Paintings of Hanoi streets

Paintings of Hanoi streets

(VOVworld)- Hanoi’s beauty has inspired a lot of painters, songwriters, and composers. Through their works of art, many painters beautifully portrayed Hanoi, its ancient and modern charm
Madame Pham Thi Thi

Madame Pham Thi Thi

(VOVworld) - I met her one morning in August, 2014. The weather in Hanoi was chilly because autumn had arrived. She was accompanied by a maid who reminded her whenever she forgot some details. No...
Underground bunker of the General Staff

Underground bunker of the General Staff

(VOVworld) - Located in the Thang Long Ancient Citadel, the underground commander’s combat of the General Staff played an important role in the American war, especially the 12 days and nights of...
Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

(VOVworld) – In the history of the Vietnamese Air Force, heroic pilot Pham Tuan grabbed two records by shooting down an American B52 bomber in 1972 and becoming the 1st Asian cosmonaut to...
Live TV show on aerial victory

Live TV show on aerial victory

On the occasion of 40th anniversary of the Hanoi- Dien Bien Phu in the air victory, the Air Defence Force and Ho Chi Minh TV hosted a live video-conference...
Memory of a glorious victory

Memory of a glorious victory

(VOVworld)-This month, marking the 40th anniversary of the “Hanoi-Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory, VOV reporter Thu Hang jogs the memories of several VOV reporters, broadcasters, singers, composers...