Wednesday November 30, 2016

Wednesday November 30, 2016

(VOVworld) - This week I’m especially impressed by a package from Roger Roussel of Canada. It’s a large envelope with 5 big stamps featuring famous Canadian hockey players. He sent us a calendar,...
Vintage- Art Flea market in Ha Noi

Vintage- Art Flea market in Ha Noi

(VOVworld) - Shopping habits have changed over the years. However, there’s a form of shopping that has recently seemed to make a comeback, “shopping at antique flea markets”. No matter who you are...
Vietnam, Iran enhance cooperation

Vietnam, Iran enhance cooperation

(VOVworld) – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is on an official visit to Vietnam from October 5-6 at the invitation of Vietnam’s President Tran Dai Quang, to improve their...
New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

(VOVworld) – Russia had a row with Ukraine last week, after Moscow had accused Kiev of attempting attacks on Crimea to trigger a new conflict in the region. The row, the most...
CRAFV asks China to respect PCA ruling

CRAFV asks China to respect PCA ruling

(VOVworld) - The Council of Representatives of French and Vietnamese Associations (CRAFV) has asked China to respect the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling on the Philippines lawsuit against China’s...
Vietnamese fish with Turmeric and Dill

Vietnamese fish with Turmeric and Dill

(VOVworld) - "Cha Ca La Vong" is noted as one of 100 things you gotta try before you die by many culinary experts. The lightly creamy textures, the crispy grilled fish, crunchy nuts, noodle...
Hanoi’s culinary attraction

Hanoi’s culinary attraction

(VOVworld) – Hanoi has long been an attractive destination for its scenic spots, historical and cultural sites, and unique cuisine. In 2012 the Asia Record Organization recognized 12 Vietnamese dishes in the food category of...
Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

(VOVworld) - Brazil's Senate is debating whether President Dilma Rousseff should face a full impeachment trial on charges of illegally manipulating finances to hide a growing public deficit ahead of her...