A classroom on Tri An hydropower reservoir

A classroom on Tri An hydropower reservoir

(VOVWORLD) - The children residing on a floating village on the Tri An hydropower reservoir, Dong Nai province, often don’t go to school on the mainland. Some years ago, a...
Countries work to reduce plastic waste

Countries work to reduce plastic waste

(VOVWORLD) - At the Our Ocean international conference in Malta on Friday, several countries announced their plans to ban the use of micro plastic and disposable plastic products. This is one...
Vietnam ranks 3rd at SEA Games 29

Vietnam ranks 3rd at SEA Games 29

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam had won 55 gold medals at the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games 29) to rank 3rd as of the end of Monday, behind Malaysia and Indonesia
Sweet Tofu Pudding

Sweet Tofu Pudding

(VOVWORLD) - Homemade tofu pudding has the smooth, creamy texture of a light flan, but the taste of soy milk. It is fresh, fragrant and worth some effort. So, just start by...
Ex Market in Hanoi

Ex Market in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - Breakups are difficult and sometimes feel like the end of the world. For many people, nothing starts the healing process faster than immediately getting rid of all ex-related items. But rather than tossing...
HRW distorts Vietnam’s human rights

HRW distorts Vietnam’s human rights

(VOVWORLD) -Human Rights Watch (HRW) has released incorrect and ill-intended information about freedom of speech and internet in Vietnam. This is a worn-out, biased accusation by the...
Nguyen Hoang Nam and inventions for farmers

Nguyen Hoang Nam and inventions for farmers

(VOVworld) – With no formal mechanical training, only diligence and creativity, Nguyen Hoang Nam of Tra Vinh province, has invented several pieces of technical equipment for farmers. His electronic and mechanical...