Southeast Asia feels force of Delta variant

Southeast Asia feels force of Delta variant

(VOVWORLD) - Having escaped the worst when the coronavirus pandemic erupted last year, Southeast Asia is now suffering record rises in deaths and cases, while vaccination shortfalls and highly contagious variants have...
HCM City imposes 15-day social distancing

HCM City imposes 15-day social distancing

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh City, the largest coronavirus hotspot in Vietnam, has decided to impose social distancing with stricter anti-coronavirus measures over two weeks, starting on Friday, as its...
Family love in the  epicenter of COVID-19

Family love in the epicenter of COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - 200 medical workers from Quang Ninh province are helping Bac Giang province curb the spread of COVID-19. They include couples who left their family behind to go to COVID-19 hot spots. At work...
Easter in the US

Easter in the US

(VOVWORLD) -Easter is the most holy of Christian celebrations. Christians celebrate Easter in the church, but Easter has also become a holiday celebrated by people of all faiths in America, with a non...
Vietnam an effective ASEAN leader: ASEAN Post

Vietnam an effective ASEAN leader: ASEAN Post

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has been making great strides in projecting itself as an effective ASEAN leader, particularly with its proactive governance in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change policy, and for...