60 years of close relations between Vietnam and Cuba

60 years of close relations between Vietnam and Cuba

(VOVWORLD) - On December 2, 1960, Cuba became the first country in the Western hemisphere that had established diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam....
ASEAN Ministers meet ahead of 37th ASEAN Summit

ASEAN Ministers meet ahead of 37th ASEAN Summit

(VOVWORLD) - ASEAN Foreign Ministers emphasized the need for an uninterruptible supply chain, restored safe trade between countries, new generation trade pacts, and bridging the development gap within ASEAN to boost...
International experts optimistic about EVFTA

International experts optimistic about EVFTA

(VOVWORLD) - The AP news on Monday ran an article called “ Vietnam ratifies trade deal with EU in boost for economy” saying that the landmark trade deal is expected to energize...
NA ratifies free trade agreement with EU

NA ratifies free trade agreement with EU

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese lawmakers passed the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) at its ongoing session in Hanoi on Monday
Europe rejects digital currency Libra

Europe rejects digital currency Libra

(VOVWORLD) - Major European countries are joining forces to block Facebook's proposed digital currency because of the dangers it poses to national sovereignty, French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire announced...
PM hosts outgoing EU delegation head

PM hosts outgoing EU delegation head

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc received head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam Bruno Angelet, who came to bid farewell at the end of his tenure,...
Top legislator bids farewell to EU delegation head

Top legislator bids farewell to EU delegation head

(VOVWORLD) -National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan lauded contributions by head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam Bruno Angelet to fostering Vietnam-EU relations when receiving...
Vietnam, Cuba forge closer ties

Vietnam, Cuba forge closer ties

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh has reiterated Vietnam’s unwavering solidarity, friendship, and support for Cuba, stressing that Vietnam is willing to share its developmental experience with the...
Vietnam works for green, sustainable energy development

Vietnam works for green, sustainable energy development

(VOVWORLD) - International experts put forward recommendations for Vietnam’s sustainable energy development and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the 2nd high-level meeting of the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG...


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