2020 Christmas celebrations during COVID-19 in US

2020 Christmas celebrations during COVID-19 in US

(VOVWORLD) - How will Covid-19 affect Christmas this year? From Santa bubbles to drive-through decorations, the socially distanced year will give us a masked Christmas like no other. In today’s program,...
Vinfast to manufacture pick-up trucks

Vinfast to manufacture pick-up trucks

(VOVWORLD) - Vinfast has been licensed to manufacture a series of new vehicles, including made-in Vietnam pick-up trucks, according to the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam
How do German people separate their garbage?

How do German people separate their garbage?

(VOVWORLD) - Far too much rubbish is produced all over the world. Every German produces around 450 kilograms of garbage per year. Germans are known for being particularly careful in separating and recycling their waste. Is...