2023 sees global trade recession but hope is in sight

2023 sees global trade recession but hope is in sight

(VOVWORLD) - Persistentinflation and high interest rates, slow recovery of many major economies, geopolitical instability, and rising public debt in many countries have caused a global trade recession this year. Economists say...
Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 700 delegates are attending the 11th National Congress of the Vietnamese Students Association in Hanoi from December 18-20. They expressed their aspiration to contribute to national development...
Vietnam abides by Montreal Protocol

Vietnam abides by Montreal Protocol

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has eliminated more than 1,000 tons of HCFC-22 (ozone-depleting substance) in the production of air conditioners, household cold appliances, refrigeration equipment, and repair and maintenance of cold...
Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

(VOVWORLD) -The Hamas-Israel conflict is a geopolitical cataclysm overshadowing the Middle East this year. It’s the largest conflict of the past few decades between Israel and the Islamist movement...
Vietnam, China release joint statement

Vietnam, China release joint statement

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam and China on Wednesday issued a joint statement on continuing deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and building a Vietnam-China community...