Naval soldiers on DK1 platform celebrate Tet

Naval soldiers on DK1 platform celebrate Tet

(VOVWORLD) - The DK1 platform are clusters of Vietnam’s economic and technical services built on the southern continental shelf, about 250-350 nautical miles from the mainland. Naval soldiers on the platform...
HCMC’s tourism sector sets bigger goals

HCMC’s tourism sector sets bigger goals

(VOVWORLD) -Ho Chi Minh City intends to welcome 6 million foreign visitors and 38 million domestic visitors in 2024. Despite continued global economic difficulties, the city's tourism industry is...
“Coffee breaks, Swedish-style“

“Coffee breaks, Swedish-style“

(VOVWORLD) - Fika is a Swedish coffee break ritual. It is an important component of socializing and maintaining a state of relaxation during the day and between jobs in Sweden, and...
Spring Festival opens

Spring Festival opens

(VOVWORLD) - The Spring of the Dragon Festival is underway opening in Hanoi until February 1, featuring products of craft villages such as ceramic products of Huong Canh village in Vinh Phuc,...