Christmas celebration in the US

Christmas celebration in the US

(VOVworld) - Christmas is an occasion that has been celebrated across the world. People from the US particularly have developed their own Christmas traditions and observances, and these have changed greatly over time....
Christmas welcomed around the world

Christmas welcomed around the world

(VOVworld) – Christmas has been warmly welcomed around the globe. In Bethlehem, Christians and tourists flocked to Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity for Christmas Eve
Foreigners experience Hanoi’s life and culture

Foreigners experience Hanoi’s life and culture

(VOVworld) – The Temple of Literature, Long Bien bridge, the Old Quarter, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, and the Presidential Palace are among the top places for foreign tourists to learn more know Hanoi....
Starbucks to open new stores in Vietnam

Starbucks to open new stores in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - US beverage company Starbucks Vietnam recently announced that it will open two stores this month, bringing its total in the country to 23. The store in Hanoi will be...
Halloween Eve: when the fun is not limited to children

Halloween Eve: when the fun is not limited to children

(VOVworld) - Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic people, Halloween has...