Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

(VOVWORLD) - Implementing the direction of the Government, the Prime Minister and the conclusion of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietnam, on September 19, the General Director of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), issued Directive...
PM receives leaders of US enterprises

PM receives leaders of US enterprises

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted receptions in New York on Thursday for leaders of several US corporations as part of his trip to attend the high-level...
PM meets leaders of Chinese conglomerates

PM meets leaders of Chinese conglomerates

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with leaders of several Chinese conglomerates in Nanning city on Saturday during his trip to China’s Guangxi province to attend the 20th China-ASEAN Expo ...
Ninh Thuan, a land of unique values

Ninh Thuan, a land of unique values

(VOVWORLD) - Ninh Thuan province in the south central region is accessible by air, roads, railway, and sea. With warm and sunny weather all year round, rich agriculture, and about 100km of coastline with many...