Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

(VOVWORLD) -Iran's atomic energy chief Mohammad Eslami said Wednesday that there was "nothing new" in a nuclear watchdog report saying Tehran had reversed a months-long slowdown in its uranium...
Ninh Binh-Trang An Festival 2023 opens

Ninh Binh-Trang An Festival 2023 opens

(VOVWORLD) - The Ninh Binh-Trang An festival 2023 with the theme "Colors of heritage- Converging and spreading" opened at the Trang Complex - a UNESCO-recognized world cultural and natural heritage,...
Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

(VOVWORLD) - In December 2013, the UN General Assembly designated December 5, 2014 as the first official World Soil Day as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management...
Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

(VOVWORLD) - On November 27, 1961, the first oil and gas organization in Vietnam, the Oil Exploration Brigade, was established. Over more than six decades with numerous ups and downs, generations of oil and gas workers have exerted efforts and determination to...
Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

(VOVWORLD) - From the ancient nomads of Central Asia to the royal courts of Europe, horse riding has woven its way into the fabric of human history. And now, it's found a...
Dau An Temple, a Special National Relic

Dau An Temple, a Special National Relic

(VOVWORLD) - An Xa Temple, also called Dau An Temple, in the northern province of Hung Yen is the largest architectural work of Taoism in Vietnam. The temple, which has historical and...