Quang Ninh, role model in sustainable mariculture

Quang Ninh, role model in sustainable mariculture

(VOVWORLD) -Developing mariculture means reducing uncontrolled exploitation, protecting aquatic resources, and building a sustainable fisheries industry. To realize Vietnam’s strategy for mariculture development, the Prime Minister has approved a project...
Vietnam celebrates Earth Hour 2024

Vietnam celebrates Earth Hour 2024

(VOVWORLD) - The 2024 Earth Hour campaign will be officially celebrated on Saturday, March 23. In Vietnam, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment...
100 records of Hue royal court on display

100 records of Hue royal court on display

(VOVWORLD) - 100 records of the Royal Court of the Nguyen emperors plus documents and pictures related to the construction of the Hue Imperial City are on display at an outdoor...