Government proposes value-added tax cut by 2% from July

Government proposes value-added tax cut by 2% from July

(VOVWORLD) -Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc on Wednesday presented to the National Assembly meeting a report on the continued reduction of value-added tax by 2%. The new tax policy will be applied to goods and services...
MoIT calls for energy-saving practice

MoIT calls for energy-saving practice

(VOVWORLD) - Economical and efficient use of electricity is considered one of the important and urgent solutions, contributing to ensuring sufficient electricity for economic development and social life
IMF raises Asia economic forecast

IMF raises Asia economic forecast

(VOVWORLD) -Asia’s economy is expected to expand 4.6% this year after a 3.8% increase in 2022, contributing about 70% of global growth, said the International Monetary Fund (IMF...
Vietnam transforms food system to adapt to global trend

Vietnam transforms food system to adapt to global trend

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is restructuring the agricultural sector toward increasing added value and sustainable development, taking into account emerging factors such as trade liberalization, climate change, smart agriculture, and food loss...
Ho Chi Minh City helps businesses transcend

Ho Chi Minh City helps businesses transcend

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh City has identified resolving businesses’ difficulties as one of 3 key tasks to boost economic growth, together with increasing domestic consumption and speeding up the disbursement of...
Yen Bai boosts consumption of local specialties

Yen Bai boosts consumption of local specialties

(VOVWORLD) - Many of Yen Bai province’s specialties are now available at major supermarkets in Hanoi and other localities nationwide. Over the past few years, the province has promoted its...
India Day celebrates unity in diversity in Hanoi

India Day celebrates unity in diversity in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) -Indian art, performances, cuisine, exhibition of crafts, and henna mehndi hand painting were featured at the ‘India Day-a Festival of Unity in Diversity’ event held by the Embassy...