Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

(VOVWORLD) - The earthen-wall houses of the Mong in Si Ma Cai district in the northern province of Lao Cai are a harmonious structure of earthen walls and wooden frames....
Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closes

Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closes

(VOVWORLD) - The 10-day Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closed on Sunday, with thousands of people gathering to watch an artistic light drone show and water sports performances
Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM

Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM

(VOVWORLD) -The team of Vietnamese scientists is growing stronger with many of them having regional and global influence and Vietnam's international ranking in science, technology and innovation continuously improving,...
Bamboo musical instruments of the Xo Dang

Bamboo musical instruments of the Xo Dang

(VOVWORLD) - Ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands have a rich treasure of musical instruments made of different materials. As their lives are closely attached to the mountains and forests, most...
Wednesday February 21, 2024

Wednesday February 21, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese people have just entered a New Lunar Year, and we are enjoying the festive atmosphere of Tet and spring and bring the atmosphere to the studio
Da Nang organizes “Spring of Love” program

Da Nang organizes “Spring of Love” program

(VOVWORLD) - On Thursday, the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Da Nang City organized the “Spring of Love” program to give Tet gifts to poor households, where Da Nang City’s Fatherland...