IMF won’t join Greece bailout

IMF won’t join Greece bailout

(VOVworld) – The IMF will not join a new bailout program for Greece until conditions for debt sustainability, including debt relief and economic reforms, are clearly assured, an IMF official said...
UK seeks opportunities in the East

UK seeks opportunities in the East

(VOVworld)- UK Prime Minister David Cameron is on a tour of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. This is the Prime Minister’s first visit outside Europe since he was re-elected in...
Negotiations on third Greek bailout package begin

Negotiations on third Greek bailout package begin

(VOVworld) – Greece and its international creditors began talks in Athens on Monday on a third bailout package of up to 86 billion euros (94 billion dollars). European Commission spokeswoman Mina...
Greece submits request to IMF for new loan facility

Greece submits request to IMF for new loan facility

(VOVworld) - Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos wrote in a letter to Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF saying that Greece has formally submitted a request to the International Monetary Fund...
Is Greece really out of crisis?

Is Greece really out of crisis?

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday Greece’s parliament approved by a vote of 229 to 64 a bill on austerity measures requested by creditors in exchange for a new bailout package worth 86 billion euros...
No deal reached yet on Greece bailout plan

No deal reached yet on Greece bailout plan

(VOVworld) - Eurozone finance ministers will meet again on Sunday in Brussels after failing to agree on Saturday whether to meet Greece's request for a third bailout worth 53.5...
Greek parliament approves bailout reform plan

Greek parliament approves bailout reform plan

(VOVworld) - With 251 votes in support and 32 votes against, Greece's parliament has backed a government package of economic reforms aimed at ending the country's debt crisis and...
Greece submits new reform and budget cut plan

Greece submits new reform and budget cut plan

(VOVworld) – The Greek government submitted a new proposal Thursday for economic policy overhauls and budget cuts, which are said to have moved closer to Eurozone creditors’ demands in return for...
EU summit on Greece set for Sunday

EU summit on Greece set for Sunday

(VOVworld) – EU leaders will meet in Brussels on Sunday for a summit that could sign off on a new bailout deal for Greece, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on...
Efforts to resolve Greek crisis

Efforts to resolve Greek crisis

(VOVworld) – The result of Greece’s referendum has created a problem for EU leaders. They now have to find a way to prevent Greece’s leaving the eurozone and perhaps...