Russia, West try to ease tensions over Ukraine

Russia, West try to ease tensions over Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine show no sign of easing. Accusations of an imminent invasion, warnings of retaliation, and military deployments on both sides have inflamed...
Normandy Quartet restarts peace talks on Ukraine

Normandy Quartet restarts peace talks on Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Monday with the presidents of Ukraine and Russia about restoring peace in Eastern Ukraine, and agreed their...
US imposes sanctions on Russia

US imposes sanctions on Russia

(VOVWORLD) - The US on Thursday expelled 10 Russian diplomats and announced a broad array of sanctions on Russia, despite President Joe Biden’s previous proposal of a meeting with Russian...
Biden, Putin discuss future summit in phone call

Biden, Putin discuss future summit in phone call

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone on Tuesday, discussing a number of issues, including a strategic stability dialogue on arms control and other...
NATO at a new turn after 70 years

NATO at a new turn after 70 years

(VOVWORLD) - NATO leaders will gather in London on Tuesday for a summit to mark the alliance's 70th anniversary and discuss future orientations amidst numerous challenges
Putin says he wants Rome to help mend Moscow-EU ties

Putin says he wants Rome to help mend Moscow-EU ties

(VOVWORLD) - Bilateral relations between Italy and Russia are excellent despite differences between Russia and the EU, said Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin...
Russia-NATO relations back to starting point

Russia-NATO relations back to starting point

(VOVWORLD) - Russia has decided to completely cease civilian and military cooperation with NATO, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksander Grushko announced on Monday. Russia made the decision 5 years after NATO...
Ukraine announces new sanctions against Russia

Ukraine announces new sanctions against Russia

(VOVWORLD) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday signed a decree broadening sanctions against Russian companies and citizens to include the aluminium and energy producer En+ Group and several other Russian firms