Vietnamese students won prizes at the Inova 2019

Vietnamese students won prizes at the Inova 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese students have won two gold medals, one silver medal and two special prizes at the Croatia International Invention Show, which took place in the Croatian capital of Zagreb...
France wins 2018 World Cup final

France wins 2018 World Cup final

(VOVWORLD) -France became 2018 World Cup champion for the second time after beating Croatia 4-2 in a thrilling final match in Moscow on Sunday
World Cup Fever! Who do Hanoians want to win?

World Cup Fever! Who do Hanoians want to win?

(VOVWORLD) -With the World Cup final only one day away, we decided to investigate how residents of Hanoi were feeling about the game. France, who beat Belgium 1-0 on Tuesday night will...
Election to end Catalonia crisis

Election to end Catalonia crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy fired Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and ordered an early regional election on December 21 after the Catalan parliament unilaterally declared independence from Spain....
Average life expectancy increases globally

Average life expectancy increases globally

(VOVworld)- By 2030, average life expectancy in South Korea will increase exceed 90 years for women and 84 years for men, according to a study published in The Lancet. The figures show...
Wednesday November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

(VOVworld) - We’re very happy to welcome 3 new listeners this week. First is Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao, a listener from Brazil. He has been a loyal listener to VOV’s...