Vietnam Tuong Theatre reaches foreign audience

Vietnam Tuong Theatre reaches foreign audience

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam Tuong (Classical Opera) Theatre has launched an interactive art program called "Royal Palace Night”, targeting foreign visitors. The interactive art program is another landmark accomplishment of the...
Bringing France closer to Vietnam

Bringing France closer to Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Several activities will be held during the French Year in Vietnam from April to the middle of 2014 and the Vietnamese Year in France in 2014 to mark the 40th anniversary...
President receives Cambodian top legislator

President receives Cambodian top legislator

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang received in Hanoi on Monday Cambodian National Assembly Chairman Samdec Heng Samri. Sang expressed his pleasure to meet with Heng Samri when the two countries...
Social media help raise public awareness of ASEAN

Social media help raise public awareness of ASEAN

(VOVworld) - The 11th Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information, AMRI-11, opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia yesterday, under the theme "Media: Connecting Peoples and Bridging Cultures towards One ASEAN...