Life adversities

Life adversities

(VOVWORLD) - In Vietnam people with disabilities and their families are generally poorer than most. They have fewer employment opportunities and less access to social services. Inequality still exists in living standards, societal attitudes...
Reseacher Nguyen Vinh Bao and his contribution to Vietnam’s music

Reseacher Nguyen Vinh Bao and his contribution to Vietnam’s music

(VOVWORLD) - Musician and researcher Nguyen Vinh Bao passed away at his home in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap last week at the age of 104. Bao made significant contributions to researching, preserving and developing Vietnam’s traditional music, particularly...
Some of the most powerful photos of 2020

Some of the most powerful photos of 2020

(VOVWORLD) - From the coronavirus pandemic to the ongoing fight for racial justice, the election to climate change, these are some of the images that defined the year
Life on Hanoi's floating guesthouse

Life on Hanoi's floating guesthouse

(VOVWORLD) - A boat on the Red River has become an ideal guesthouse for dozens of manual workers who try to save on their modest incomes in Hanoi. The boat which...
Advent in Germany – Counting days till Christmas!

Advent in Germany – Counting days till Christmas!

(VOVWORLD) - In many western countries, including Germany, the time from December 1st to December 24th is called Advent, which means before Christmas Eve. Parents give their children calendars counting down the days. Each day in...
Pakistan’s traditional wedding celebration and ceremony

Pakistan’s traditional wedding celebration and ceremony

(VOVWORLD) - Pakistani weddings epitomise the richness of the culture. A single wedding contains many elements of local traditions. Pakistani weddings are explosions of colour, beautifully embroidered flowing fabrics in silks and chiffon, tantalizing food,...
National Book Awards 2020 in spotlight

National Book Awards 2020 in spotlight

(VOVWORLD) - 27 prizes were given at the 2020 National Book Awards held at the Voice of Vietnam in Hanoi earlier this month. The annual awards honor writers, translators, scientists and...