Major outcomes of the National Assembly election

Major outcomes of the National Assembly election

(VOVworld) – The election of the 14th National Assembly and People’s Councils for the 2016-2020 term concluded successfully. It was organized with democratic with reforms to promote people’s rights...
Voter turnout reaches 98.77%

Voter turnout reaches 98.77%

(VOVword)- By 22hours 20 minutes Sunday, voter turnout in Vietnam reached 98.77% at the election for National Assembly and People’s Councils
Accomplishments of the 13th National Assembly

Accomplishments of the 13th National Assembly

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly has approved more than 100 laws to create a firm legal foundation for the building of a state governed by law, human rights protection, and...
Russia-Ukraine relations become tense

Russia-Ukraine relations become tense

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, the Russian Embassy in Kiev sent a note of protest to the Ukrainian foreign Ministry in connection with the attack on an Embassy car which was parked...
Panama arrests former president

Panama arrests former president

(VOVworld) - Panamanian authorities have arrested former president Ricardo Martinelli after the Supreme Court ordered his provisional detention
National Assembly approves important laws

National Assembly approves important laws

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies passed 5 laws on Wednesday. These included the revised Criminal Code, the revised Maritime Law, the law on temporary custody and detention, the law on referendums, and the law on fees...
Cambodian senator accused of treason

Cambodian senator accused of treason

(VOVworld) – A Cambodian court on Sunday indicted opposition senator Hong Sok Hour of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on three criminal counts and ordered him placed in pre-trial...