Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

(VOVWORLD) -Hopes for a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Hamas faded last week after diplomatic efforts deadlocked. Fears of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza intensified when the Israeli army announced...
Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

(VOVWORLD) - February 3rd, the Communist Party of Vietnam celebrates its 94th founding anniversary. Under the Party’s leadership, Vietnam has grown from a colonial, semi-feudal country, into an independent, sovereign nation...
2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

(VOVWORLD) - In their New Year messages, world leaders emphasized the urgency of countries and communities reviving hope and trust in each other, sharing the world in stability and development, and...
The value of independence and freedom

The value of independence and freedom

(VOVWORLD) - On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, declaring to the world an independent Vietnam with its people free to master their own destiny....