Vietnam contributes to draft documents at AIPA meetings

Vietnam contributes to draft documents at AIPA meetings

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese delegation made important contributions to reviewing and completing draft documents at meetings of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Committee on Political Matters and the AIPA Committee on Economic Matters...
BSR’s journey to create values

BSR’s journey to create values

(VOVWORLD) - Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (BSR) was established on May 9, 2008. On July 1, 2018, the company became a joint stock company with the new name Binh Son...
Wednesday June 21, 2023

Wednesday June 21, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’d like to thank our dear listeners around the world for sending us greetings on Vietnamese Revolutionary Press Day, June 21
Action Month against drugs launched nationwide

Action Month against drugs launched nationwide

(VOVWORLD) -The Month for Drug Prevention and Control is being observed nationwide this month with the theme "Drastic and effective prevention and control of drugs, great responsibility, proactive coordination – for...