Vietnamese Tet in the old days

Vietnamese Tet in the old days

(VOVWORLD) - Memory about Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, during the old days, particularly in the subsidy period hasn’t faded from Vietnamese hearts. Let’s take a peek into...
US-Turkey tensions unabated

US-Turkey tensions unabated

(VOVWORLD) - Relations between the two NATO allies, the US and Turkey, are tense over Turkey’s detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson. Instead of seeking a compromise, Turkey has accelerated cooperation...
More effort needed to reduce tobacco use

More effort needed to reduce tobacco use

(VOVWORLD) -Although progress has been made in tobacco control, more efforts are needed on anti-tobacco measures and reduction of deaths related to smoking in Vietnam
US-China trade dispute

US-China trade dispute

(VOVWORLD) - Over the past three days, trade tension between China and the US drew international attention as the two sides threatened each other with higher tariffs
New Delhi pollution hits dangerous level

New Delhi pollution hits dangerous level

(VOVWORLD) - New Delhi has become one of the most polluted cities in the world, posing a major risk to people’s health. Visitors have fled New Delhi because of the...
72 years of “August 19” song

72 years of “August 19” song

(VOVWORLD) -On the morning of August 19th, 1945, the Viet Minh forces and the people of Hanoi took control of key offices of the French-backed administration, paving the way for...
CPI down by 0.53 percent in May

CPI down by 0.53 percent in May

(VOVWORLD) - The Consumer price index (CPI) in May dropped by 0.53 percent from the previous month mostly due to a sharp fall in food prices, the General Statistics Office...
Wednesday, August 19,2015

Wednesday, August 19,2015

Today is August 19th. Vietnamese people inside and outside Vietnam are jubilantly celebrating the 70th anniversary of the August Revolution, August 19 and National Day, September 2
A new chapter in US-Cuban relations

A new chapter in US-Cuban relations

(VOVworld) – US and Cuba are moving toward a full resumption of diplomatic ties, which have been suspended since 1961. Like the historic handshake between US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro...