South Africa marks 30 years of democracy

South Africa marks 30 years of democracy

(VOVWORLD) -President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday praised South Africa's achievements under the ruling party African National Congress (ANC)'s leadership during the 30 years of democracy since the end...
For a sustainable, transparent, responsible fishery sector

For a sustainable, transparent, responsible fishery sector

(VOVWORLD) - The Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on April 10 adopted Directive 32 on strengthening the Party leadership on combatting illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing and developing sustainable fisheries. This...
UN General Assembly debates veto right at UNSC

UN General Assembly debates veto right at UNSC

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday debated the use of veto power in the Security Council, just ahead of the second anniversary of a special measure implemented...
Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

(VOVWORLD) - During the historic Dien Bien Phu campaign in 1954, the legendary Pha Din Pass saw the footprints of tens of thousands of soldiers, frontline workers, and young volunteers on their journey...
Export rises 16% by mid-April

Export rises 16% by mid-April

(VOVWORLD) - By mid-April, Vietnam's total import-export turnover was estimated at 209 billion USD. Export exceeded 100 billion USD, an increase of 16.34% compared to the same...
Global economy: bright spots and challenges

Global economy: bright spots and challenges

(VOVWORLD) - In recent reports on the global economic outlook, most big financial institutions say that the world economy has escaped the threat of recession and is expected to record slight growth...