Lung Cu flag tower

Lung Cu flag tower

(VOVworld) - Visiting the northwest without climbing Lung Cu peak? No one would believe it. At the top of 1,700 meters-high Lung Cu peak is tower flying the Vietnamese national...
Bac Kan’s efforts to preserve Then singing

Bac Kan’s efforts to preserve Then singing

(VOVworld) - The “Then” singing of Vietnam’s Tay and Nung ethnic minority groups is of particular importance to people in the northeast region. Bac Kan, one of Vietnam’s cradles of...
Hue- a romantic city

Hue- a romantic city

(VOVworld) – From 1558 to 1945, Hue was the imperial capital city of 9 Nguyen Lords, the Tay Son regime and 13 Nguyen dynasties. During those 4 centuries, Hue became an extensive complex of...
Tour of famous pagodas in Ho Chi Minh City

Tour of famous pagodas in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld)- Ho Chi Minh City is famous for its impressive architecture which includes some beautiful pagodas that exemplify the Oriental architectural style. Over the centuries, these pagodas have been popular...
Dak Lak Museum of Ethnology

Dak Lak Museum of Ethnology

(VOVworld) - Dak Lak Museum of Ethnology is a place that should not be missed if you visit the Central Highlands. This museum preserves and presents the culture quintessence of ethnic minorities in...
Wednesday February 11, 2015

Wednesday February 11, 2015

(VOVworld) - Dear listeners, since we started to advertise the contest, we have received some questions from listeners. Ralph Perry of the US asked “Do prizes include airfare to and from Vietnam and the...
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

This week, we’d like to talk about Tet, Vietnam’s traditional lunar New Year festival. It is the most important celebration in Vietnam. Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese...
Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual

Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual

(VOVworld)- The ritual of worshipping the Mother Goddess has been associated with Vietnamese people’s spiritual life for thousands of years. It originated in Vietnamese people’s struggle against severe weather, oppression...
Who is the real trouble-maker in the East Sea?

Who is the real trouble-maker in the East Sea?

(VOVworld) - International press commentators, scholars and politicians all share the opinion that China’s unilateral and provocative acts, which are against international law and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the...