UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations said that the global humanitarian situation will worsen as conflicts and climate change make communities more vulnerable and UN agencies’ operational budgets shrink
China, EU promote cooperation for mutual benefits

China, EU promote cooperation for mutual benefits

(VOVWORLD) - High-ranking leaders of China and the European Union met in Beijing on Thursday to discuss pending issues in bilateral relations and establish some common perceptions, aiming to stabilize...
Vietnam upholds UNCLOS, says Ambassador

Vietnam upholds UNCLOS, says Ambassador

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam upholds the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as an international legal framework regulating all activities at sea and ocean, said Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang...
Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

(VOVWORLD) - In December 2013, the UN General Assembly designated December 5, 2014 as the first official World Soil Day as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management...
EU wants to resume relations with Turkey

EU wants to resume relations with Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi announced a new plan on Wednesday to restore international relations with Turkey and establish greater cooperation in...