EU meeting after Brexit vote

EU meeting after Brexit vote

(VOVworld) – The European Union (EU) holds an extraordinary meeting in Brussels on Tuesday to approve a resolution on procedures of UK’s departure. Taking place ahead of the EU summit,...
Domino effect of Brexit

Domino effect of Brexit

(VOVworld) – After the UK voted to leave the EU, some EU member countries expressed their intent to break with the organization. EU leaders have called for efforts to avoid a...
UK, EU ready for Brexit referendum

UK, EU ready for Brexit referendum

(VOVworld)- On June 23, British voters will vote to decide whether to stay or leave the EU after more than 40 years as an EU member. Remain and Leave campaigns...
Britain before Brexit referendum

Britain before Brexit referendum

(VOVworld) – In a referendum on June 23 British voters will decide if the UK will stay in or leave the EU. Recent public polls show that Brexit supporters slightly outnumber opponents...
Greece approves pension and income tax reforms

Greece approves pension and income tax reforms

(VOVworld) – The Greek parliament has approved broad reforms of the country’s pension and income tax systems ahead of Monday’s emergency meeting of eurozone finance ministers and IMF...
EU acknowledges Greece’s economic progress

EU acknowledges Greece’s economic progress

(VOVworld) - The economy in Greece has performed "substantially better" than forecast in its massive bailout deal, the EU said on Thursday, a day ahead of a key meeting of eurozone...
Greece accepts role of IMF in third bailout

Greece accepts role of IMF in third bailout

(VOVworld) - Greece has 'fully accepted' that the IMF will take a role in its third bailout programme, according to the Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem. Athens had previously claimed the Fund...
Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister David Cameron has enhanced diplomatic efforts to gain support for the UK’s EU reform proposal at a summit in February. It will impact a referendum...
Eurogroup warns of Shengen agreement's collapse

Eurogroup warns of Shengen agreement's collapse

(VOVworld) - Major European powers could be forced to retreat into a “mini-Schengen” zone if peripheral member states do not help shoulder the burdens of the migrant crisis, the head...