Brexit sees progress

Brexit sees progress

(VOVWORLD) - Two and a half years after Britons voted to leave the European Union and after a year of difficult negotiations Britain and the EU have finally reached consensus on...
Talents attracted to promote Vietnam’s prosperity

Talents attracted to promote Vietnam’s prosperity

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam Innovation Network was launched on Sunday allowing Vietnamese scientists here and abroad to share their visions and strategies for scientific and technological development in Vietnam. More than...
Hanoi College voluntary project: Paint, Sweat and Inspiration

Hanoi College voluntary project: Paint, Sweat and Inspiration

(VOVWORLD) -We arrived at the Projects Abroad’s Hanoi office at around 8:45, the volunteers shuffling into the kitchen for morning tea. Riyaad, our project assistant, pointed at a collection of supplies in the corner of the room, buckets of paint, brushes...
EU divided by migration issues

EU divided by migration issues

(VOVWORLD) - As the EU Summit approaches, member countries are seeking consensus on many issues. High on the agenda is migration, which has caused division within the EU, heightened by...
US-China trade tension sees no end

US-China trade tension sees no end

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 10 percent tariff on 200 billion USD of Chinese goods, in retaliation against Beijing’s early decision to raise taxes on American...
Peace in Middle East out of reach

Peace in Middle East out of reach

(VOVWORLD) - The US officially opened an embassy in Jerusalem on Monday despite mass protests from Palestine and many other countries, who said it adds fuel to the fire in the...
JCPOA withdrawal: risky move by the US

JCPOA withdrawal: risky move by the US

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump said he is pulling the US out of a historic nuclear deal with Iran and reimposing sanctions on Tehran. The decision, which he says is to protect...