The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

(VOVWORLD) - In 1979, after escaping Ieng Sary’s Pol Pot genocide regime, the Cambodian government asked Vietnam to help it reconstruct the Phnom Penh broadcasting station. Although Vietnam was struggling with numerous post...
People’s faith in the new Party Central Committee

People’s faith in the new Party Central Committee

(VOVworld) – The 12th Party Central Committee convened its first session on Wednesday to elect the politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Party Secretariat, and the Central Party Inspection Commission and...
Faith in EU integration shaken

Faith in EU integration shaken

(VOVworld)- The European Parliament election results have been announced. Though the Alliance of Conservative, Social and Democratic Parties won the majority of votes in the new parliament, it was a surprise that...