Peru's president ousted

Peru's president ousted

(VOVWORLD) - Peru’s Congress voted to remove President Pedro Castillo on Wednesday, with 101 votes in favor, 6 votes against, and 10 abstentions, climaxing the worst political in more than...
New York still top in finance centre ranking

New York still top in finance centre ranking

(VOVWORLD) -New York remains the world’s most favored financial center, with London still second and Singapore overtaking Hong Kong for third place, latest rankings from the Global Financial Centres Index ...
Vietnam stimulates domestic consumption

Vietnam stimulates domestic consumption

(VOVWORLD) - The "Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods" campaign has brought practical results in building a sustainable chain of production and consumption of Vietnamese goods, increasing the proportion of...
Lumi - Smart Home to improve the quality of life

Lumi - Smart Home to improve the quality of life

(VOVWORLD) - As life and society develops toward the future, smart home solutions have become popular with more and more families. A smart home using modern technology can help make room for minimalism in your residence...