Covid-19 spreads in western Europe

Covid-19 spreads in western Europe

(VOVWORLD) - The Covid-19 spread rate in western European countries, particularly Italy, Germany, Spain, and the UK, has shown no sign of slowing
US-Iran tensions de-escalate

US-Iran tensions de-escalate

(VOVWORLD) - Since Iran launched a missile attack targeting two military bases in Iraq manned by US personnel on Wednesday, no further military action from either side has been reported. Washington and...
Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey continues to send ISIS prisoners back to their home countries from detention centers in northeast Syria, triggering tensions with European countries, who have revoked the citizenships of many...
The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

(VOVWORLD) - In 1979, after escaping Ieng Sary’s Pol Pot genocide regime, the Cambodian government asked Vietnam to help it reconstruct the Phnom Penh broadcasting station. Although Vietnam was struggling with numerous post...
Fears of a fresh arms race

Fears of a fresh arms race

(VOVWORLD) - Two weeks after the US withdrew from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and revealed a plan to deploy intermediate-range missiles in Asia, the Pentagon said on Monday...
Turkey, US getting closer on Syria safe zone

Turkey, US getting closer on Syria safe zone

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey and the United States are nearing an agreement on the details of a planned safe zone in northeast Syria along the Turkish border, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu...
The Collapse of the DPRK-US Hanoi Summit

The Collapse of the DPRK-US Hanoi Summit

(VOVWORLD) - Fanfare leading up to the February 27-28 Hanoi Summit promised to be one of the most significant diplomatic events in two decades: North Korea and the US would achieve peace on...
Venezuela at risk of civil war

Venezuela at risk of civil war

(VOVWORLD) - The political and economic crisis in Venezuela is getting worse. Social division has deepened between President Nicolas Maduro, backed by Venezuela’s military, and self-declared President Juan Guaido, who...