Fiscal policies in place to boost economic growth

Fiscal policies in place to boost economic growth

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is exerting efforts to quickly recover its economy, in both the macro and the micro scale. Since the beginning of this year, new policies have been adopted to remove bottlenecks...
COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

(VOVWORLD) - In Ho Chi Minh City alone, more than 1,500 students attending local schools have lost their parents in the past few months. The figure is undoubtedly much higher if you include...
Fiscal policy supports business recovery

Fiscal policy supports business recovery

(VOVWORLD) - Two consecutive years of being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges to businesses. The government and various sectors have built strategies and policies to help...
Vietnam protects music copyrights in digital environment

Vietnam protects music copyrights in digital environment

(VOVWORLD) - With the technology developing quickly and the mushrooming of digital platforms, more problems concerning music copyrights have arisen. Relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals are working closely to create a...