Efforts geared up to prevent avian flu

Efforts geared up to prevent avian flu

(VOVworld)- Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai has asked sectors and localities to continue to strictly follow measures set out by the Prime Minister’s directive to prevent avian flu
Firm steps towards the ASEAN Community

Firm steps towards the ASEAN Community

(VOVworld)-ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh has participated at the ASEAN Foreign Minister Retreat, Politico-Security Council Meeting (APSC), and Coordination Council Meeting in Brunei. In his address to prepare for the...
Ca Mau gears up production

Ca Mau gears up production

(VOVworld) – Companies in the southernmost province of Ca Mau on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Lunar New Year, resume their operations
Efforts geared up to settle voters’ petitions

Efforts geared up to settle voters’ petitions

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has asked the Fatherland Front to work more closely with the government to deal with citizens’ petitions and complaints, upholding democracy and building a...
Administrative reforms – breakthrough for development

Administrative reforms – breakthrough for development

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s administrative reforms since 2001 have made certain achievements contributing to the country’s socio-economic development. This program, whose goal is to simplify administrative procedures for individuals and enterprises...
FDI investment in Dong Nai province increases

FDI investment in Dong Nai province increases

(VOVworld) - Industrial zones in the southern province of Dong Nai have attracted more than 870 million USD in foreign direct investment over first few months of this year, surpassing...
Battle for Elysée Palace promises to be dramatic

Battle for Elysée Palace promises to be dramatic

(VOVworld) - France’s presidential election is entering its final phase. The latest poll indicates that the race to the Elysée is still undecided and the election will most likely require two...
Localities gear up to attract investment

Localities gear up to attract investment

(VOVworld) Many localities nationwide have geared up to attract more investment since the beginning of the year, meeting with investors and devising new strategies to boost investment and contribute...