NA Chairman meets German President

NA Chairman meets German President

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam wants to deepen its strategic partnership with Germany through party, parliamentary and government channels, as well as people-to-people exchanges, Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh...
Malaysian media praises Vietnam's visa policy

Malaysian media praises Vietnam's visa policy

(VOVWORLD) - Malaysia’s only broadsheet-format English-language newspaper “New Straits Times” said in an article titled “Visa-free travel a boon” that Vietnam’s new visa exemption policy has...
German President begins Vietnam visit

German President begins Vietnam visit

(VOVWORLD) -German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife arrived in Hanoi on Tuesday morning, starting their two-day state visit to Vietnam at the invitation of President Vo Van...
Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

(VOVWORLD) - In comparison with Vietnamese writers, how does a foreign observer describe Vietnam’s rivers, markets, motorbikes, pho, and draft beer? Renowned contemporary German poet Jan Wagner provides a fascinating answer...
US, Germany seek ways to increase aid to Ukraine

US, Germany seek ways to increase aid to Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - White House officials convened industry representatives from American venture capital, technology, and defense sectors on Monday to discuss strategies for arming Ukraine with up-to-date weapons systems