US warned over stance on Jerusalem

US warned over stance on Jerusalem

(VOVWORLD) - Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, head of the Arab League, urged the US to reconsider any recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital at an extraordinary meeting in Cairo on Wednesday
Pristine beauty of Ghenh Da Dia

Pristine beauty of Ghenh Da Dia

(VOVworld) - Ghenh Da Dia (The Cliff of Stone Plates) in central Phu Yen Province, endowed with pristine natural beauty, always attracts a large number of domestic and international visitors
Belgian region wants to invest in Vietnam

Belgian region wants to invest in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s localities have many advantages to attract investment from companies in the Flanders region, said Ralph Moreau, Economic and Trade Counsellor for the Flemish Region from Flanders Invest & Trade (FIT...