Nigeriens call for mass recruitment of volunteers

Nigeriens call for mass recruitment of volunteers

(VOVWORLD) - Nigerien citizens launched a nationwide recruitment campaign to gather thousands of civilian volunteers to assist the army in the face of a growing threat by the West African regional bloc....
Blood donors honored

Blood donors honored

(VOVWORLD) - More than 45,000 blood units were collected during the 2023 Red Journey in June and July in 46 cities and provinces, raising the total volume of blood units collected...
Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

(VOVWORLD) - War Invalids and Martyrs Day, July 27, is an event of great significance to Vietnamese people. This is a day when the Party, army, and people of Vietnam pay tribute to revolutionary predecessors,...
Search and returning names for fallen soldiers

Search and returning names for fallen soldiers

(VOVWORLD) - The war is over, but the pain of war still afflicts many Vietnamese families. Nearly 1.2 million soldiers lost their lives on battlefields across the country. Hundreds of thousands of them have...