Rain praying ritual of the X’tieng

Rain praying ritual of the X’tieng

(VOVWORLD) - The rain praying ritual is a folk belief practice of the X’tieng ethnic minority in Bu Dang district, Binh Phuoc province. Every year, before the rainy season, the X’tieng...
Switzerland, Ukraine planning peace summit

Switzerland, Ukraine planning peace summit

(VOVWORLD) - Switzerland and Ukraine are planning for a high-level peace summit to be held in Switzerland which is expected to receive representatives from 80-100 countries, Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
Quang Ninh, role model in sustainable mariculture

Quang Ninh, role model in sustainable mariculture

(VOVWORLD) -Developing mariculture means reducing uncontrolled exploitation, protecting aquatic resources, and building a sustainable fisheries industry. To realize Vietnam’s strategy for mariculture development, the Prime Minister has approved a project...
Ukraine to receive additional aid pledges

Ukraine to receive additional aid pledges

(VOVWORLD) - South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul pledged to continue support to Ukraine at a session involving representatives of NATO's Indo-Pacific partner countries, including Japan, Australia and New...
NATO will have no combat presence in Ukraine

NATO will have no combat presence in Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) -NATO's new plans for Ukraine will not make the alliance a party to the conflict, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said at a press conference following a meeting...